current projects
current open source projects
For further projects, please refer to the OSM group on GitHub and the OSM group on GitLab.
current topics
- resource management from core to Cloud
- dynamic workload management in distributed systems
- dynamic, workload-dependent resource scaling (e.g., dynamic LPARs)
- memory optimizations for virtual machines (e.g., memory migration benchmarks)
- NUMA-aware programming with the PGASUS framework: applications, case studies, benchmarks
- architectures of future server systems
- lock-free data structures
- multicore/NUMA
- advanced topology discovery with bandwith and latency measurements: find shared interconnects
- accelerator programming / heterogeneous computing
- high-Level programming facilities for distributed GPU computing (e.g., CloudCL)
- high-level programming facilities for FPGAs (e.g., CAPI SNAP, OpenCL)
- virtualization / Containerization for GPUs or FPGAs
- FPGAs in IaaS Cloud Resources (e.g., Amazon F instances)
- hardware-accelerated memory-compression (e.g., DEFLATE, 842 compression)
- evaluation of integrated GPUs and APUs for latency-critical workloads (e.g., audio processing)
- new programming languages & frameworks: CAPI SNAP, Radeon Open Compute, etc.
- dependability
- assessment and benchmarking
- operation of heterogeneous infrastructures
- fault tolerance of service-oriented architectures
- microservice architectures
- software fault injection (network, OS, communication, etc.)
- automation (lab, operation, assessment, etc.)
- error detection – coverage vs. complexity
- decentralized architectures (e.g., distributed ledgers)
- Internet of Things (e.g., Rail2X, IEEE 802.11p)
annual reports
(German language only)
past projects
- Master's Theses
- RailChain
- Telemed5000
- Future SOC Lab
- DiAK
- Rail2X – Smart Services
- SaPiMa / Fontane
- Distributed Control Lab
- Carrera Digital 132
- InstantLab
- Parallel and Distributed Lab