SaPiMa / Fontane
The Fontane project aims to improve the quality of healthcare for cardiovascular patients in rural areas using telemedicine. The region of North-Brandenburg is one such area. The number of inhabitants will decrease around 22% until 2030 and the average age will rise clearly. The death rate for cardiovascular disease lies here around 40% over the Federal average. Fontane has the goal to improve this situation.
So far the ambulatory support consisted of patient, family doctors and specialists. This triangle locally becomes an ambulatory square. The ambulatory square consists of the active patient, the family doctor, the center for cardiovascular telemedicine and an ambulatory cardiology specialist outside of the patient home town. The use of modern information technology makes the necessary networking possible for all participants.
By combining the basic research within IT and telemedicine, healthcare can be improved for many perople. The interdisciplinary networking of these two partners integrated with the patient care makes it possible to use and present own developments locally for the first time. Patients are given the chance to benefit from newest innovative technologies.
Our group contributes to this project with the development of the self-adaptive SaPiMa middleware.
Our Team:
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze and Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel (Principal Investigators)
- Dr. Martin von Löwis
- Dr. Irene Eiermann
- Martin Wolf
- Robert Wierschke
- Theodor Heinze
- Alexander Schacht
Main Partners:

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