master's theses

Please find a list of some Master's theses the group supervised below.

Also note the (German only) Organisatorischer Ablauf zur Masterarbeit and (German only) LaTeX-Vorlage und Tipps für Masterarbeiten.

  • Philipp Schmidt. Using Railway Simulations for Integration Tests of EULYNX Components. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2024. Co-supervision by Arne Boockmeyer and Lukas Pirl.
    author = "Schmidt, Philipp",
    title = "{Using Railway Simulations for Integration Tests of EULYNX Components}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Arne Boockmeyer and Lukas Pirl",
    year = "2024",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "lukas.pirl,arne.boockmeyer"
  • Mario Freund. Using Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection in a Combined Car and Train Monitoring System. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2023. Jointly with INCYDE GmbH; Co-supervision at HPI by Robert Schmid, Kordian Gontarska, and Katja Assaf. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Freund, Mario",
    title = "{Using Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection in a Combined Car and Train Monitoring System}",
    note = "Jointly with INCYDE GmbH; Co-supervision at HPI by Robert Schmid, Kordian Gontarska, and Katja Assaf",
    year = "2023",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "robert.schmid,kordian.gontarska,katja.assaf"
  • Linus Heinzl. Implementation of a Stare-and-Chase mode to improve predicted satellite orbits). Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2023. Jointly with DiGOS Potsdam GmbH; Co-supervision at HPI by Lukas Pirl. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Heinzl, Linus",
    title = "{Implementation of a Stare-and-Chase mode to improve predicted satellite orbits)}",
    note = "Jointly with DiGOS Potsdam GmbH; Co-supervision at HPI by Lukas Pirl",
    year = "2023",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "lukas.pirl"
  • Julia Scharsich. A Hybrid Testbed for Educational Purposes – Transformation of a Computer Science Lab for Master's Students. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2022. Jointly with `Operating Systems Group of Prof. Werner, TU Chemnitz; Co-supervision at HPI by Arne Boockmeyer, Lukas Pirl, and Robert Schmid. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Scharsich, Julia",
    title = "{A Hybrid Testbed for Educational Purposes – Transformation of a Computer Science Lab for Master's Students}",
    note = "Jointly with `Operating Systems Group of Prof. Werner, TU Chemnitz; Co-supervision at HPI by Arne Boockmeyer, Lukas Pirl, and Robert Schmid",
    year = "2022",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "lukas.pirl,arne.boockmeyer,robert.schmid"
  • Paul Geppert. Bridging the ITS-G5 and C-V2X Gap: Development and Simulation of a V2X converter. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2022. Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Geppert, Paul",
    title = "{Bridging the ITS-G5 and C-V2X Gap: Development and Simulation of a V2X converter}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz",
    year = "2022",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "jossekin.beilharz"
  • Ramin Gharib. An Adaptive Workload Partitioner for Scalable Document Stream Processing. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2021. Co-supervision by Robert Schmid. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Gharib, Ramin",
    title = "{An Adaptive Workload Partitioner for Scalable Document Stream Processing}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Robert Schmid",
    year = "2021",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "robert.schmid"
  • Hendrik Tjabben. A Distributed Architecture for a Safety-critical ETCS-OBU. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2021. Jointly with Railergy; Co-supervision at HPI by Arne Boockmeyer, Lukas Pirl, and Robert Schmid. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Tjabben, Hendrik",
    title = "{A Distributed Architecture for a Safety-critical ETCS-OBU}",
    note = "Jointly with Railergy; Co-supervision at HPI by Arne Boockmeyer, Lukas Pirl, and Robert Schmid",
    year = "2021",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "arne.boockmeyer,robert.schmid,lukas.pirl"
  • Joan Bruguera. Improved Data Transfer Efficiency for Scale-Out GPU Workloads using On-the-Fly I/O Link Compression. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2020. Co-supervision by Max Plauth. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Bruguera, Joan",
    title = "{Improved Data Transfer Efficiency for Scale-Out GPU Workloads using On-the-Fly I/O Link Compression}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth",
    year = "2020",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth"
  • Benedikt Bock. Opportunistic Routing within Public Transportation Infrastructure. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2020. Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Bock, Benedikt",
    title = "{Opportunistic Routing within Public Transportation Infrastructure}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl",
    year = "2020",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "jossekin.beilharz,lukas.pirl"
  • Patrick Jattke. Analysis, Design and Implementation of Advanced Optimization Strategies for the Marble FHE Compiler. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2020. Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Jattke, Patrick",
    title = "{Analysis, Design and Implementation of Advanced Optimization Strategies for the Marble FHE Compiler}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz",
    year = "2020",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "jossekin.beilharz"
  • Fabian Paul. Adaptive QoS-aware Operator Placement for Distributed Processing of Sensor Streams. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2020. Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Paul, Fabian",
    title = "{Adaptive QoS-aware Operator Placement for Distributed Processing of Sensor Streams}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl",
    year = "2020",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "jossekin.beilharz,lukas.pirl"
  • Arne Boockmeyer. Hybrides Testbed zur Fehlerinjektion in verteilten Softwaresystemen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2020. Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Boockmeyer, Arne",
    title = "{Hybrides Testbed zur Fehlerinjektion in verteilten Softwaresystemen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl",
    year = "2020",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "jossekin.beilharz,lukas.pirl"
  • Sebastian Kliem. Simulation and Measurement of IoT Wireless Technology in a Hybrid Testbed exemplified by LoRaWAN Technology. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2019. Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl.
    author = "Kliem, Sebastian",
    title = "{Simulation and Measurement of IoT Wireless Technology in a Hybrid Testbed exemplified by LoRaWAN Technology}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl",
    year = "2019",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "jossekin.beilharz,lukas.pirl"
  • Yannick Bäumer. Hardware Accelerated Lossless Compression using High Level Synthesis. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2019. Co-supervision by Max Plauth. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Bäumer, Yannick",
    title = "{Hardware Accelerated Lossless Compression using High Level Synthesis}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth",
    year = "2019",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth"
  • Jonas Chromik. Artificial Neural Networks for QRS Detection in Noise-Contaminated Single-Channel Electrocardiograms. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2019. Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Chromik, Jonas",
    title = "{Artificial Neural Networks for QRS Detection in Noise-Contaminated Single-Channel Electrocardiograms}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl",
    year = "2019",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "jossekin.beilharz,lukas.pirl"
  • Lukas Wenzel. Operating System Facilities for FPGA Accelerator Designs. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2019. Co-supervision by Max Plauth and Felix Eberhardt. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Wenzel, Lukas",
    title = "{Operating System Facilities for FPGA Accelerator Designs}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth and Felix Eberhardt",
    year = "2019",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth,felix.eberhardt"
  • Christian Werling. Security Analysis of the AMD Secure Processor. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2019. Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Werling, Christian",
    title = "{Security Analysis of the AMD Secure Processor}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Jossekin Beilharz and Lukas Pirl",
    year = "2019",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "jossekin.beilharz,lukas.pirl"
  • Jan Mattfeld. Design and Implementation of a Unified Middleware for Policy Enforcement in Multi-Cloud Infrastructures. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2018. Co-supervision by Max Plauth. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Mattfeld, Jan",
    title = "{Design and Implementation of a Unified Middleware for Policy Enforcement in Multi-Cloud Infrastructures}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth",
    year = "2018",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth"
  • Sven Knebel. Interfaces for New Networking Challenges. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2018. Co-supervision by Max Plauth. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Knebel, Sven",
    title = "{Interfaces for New Networking Challenges}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth",
    year = "2018",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth"
  • Christian Würz. Resource contention of competing processes in parallel systems. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2018. Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Würz, Christian",
    title = "{Resource contention of competing processes in parallel systems}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt",
    year = "2018",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "felix.eberhardt"
  • Karsten Tausche. Memory Management on IBM Power Systems with NUMA Characteristics based on the PGASUS Programming Framework. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2017. Co-supervision by Max Plauth. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Tausche, Karsten",
    title = "{Memory Management on IBM Power Systems with NUMA Characteristics based on the PGASUS Programming Framework}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth",
    year = "2017",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth"
  • Fredrick Teschke. Hardening application security with SGX. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2017. Co-supervision by Max Plauth.
    author = "Teschke, Fredrick",
    title = "{Hardening application security with SGX}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth",
    year = "2017",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth"
  • Kai Fabian. Messung und Bewertung von NUMA-Hauptspeicherlatenzen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2017. Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Fabian, Kai",
    title = "{Messung und Bewertung von NUMA-Hauptspeicherlatenzen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt",
    year = "2017",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "felix.eberhardt"
  • Sven Köhler. On-Chip Accelerators on POWER8. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2017. Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt and Max Plauth. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Köhler, Sven",
    title = "{On-Chip Accelerators on POWER8}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt and Max Plauth",
    year = "2017",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "felix.eberhardt,max.plauth"
  • Lukas Pirl. Identification and Exercise of Fault Injection Campaigns for Experimental Dependability Assessment of Distributed Systems Exemplified by a Case Study on OpenStack. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2017. Co-supervision by Lena Feinbube, Max Plauth, and Felix Eberhardt. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Pirl, Lukas",
    title = "{Identification and Exercise of Fault Injection Campaigns for Experimental Dependability Assessment of Distributed Systems Exemplified by a Case Study on OpenStack}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Lena Feinbube, Max Plauth, and Felix Eberhardt",
    year = "2017",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "lena.feinbube,max.plauth,felix.eberhardt"
  • Daniel Röder. Recording and profiling workload characteristics. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2017. Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt.
    author = "Röder, Daniel",
    title = "{Recording and profiling workload characteristics}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt",
    year = "2017",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "felix.eberhardt"
  • Florian Rösler. Dynamic OpenCL - Distributed Computing on Cloud Scale. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2017. Co-supervision by Max Plauth. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Rösler, Florian",
    title = "{Dynamic OpenCL - Distributed Computing on Cloud Scale}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth",
    year = "2017",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth"
  • Matthias Bastian. Entwurf und Integration eines Frameworks zur Einhaltung nutzerdefinierter Policies in OpenStack. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2017. Co-supervision by Max Plauth and Lena Feinbube. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Bastian, Matthias",
    title = "{Entwurf und Integration eines Frameworks zur Einhaltung nutzerdefinierter Policies in OpenStack}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth and Lena Feinbube",
    year = "2017",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth,lena.feinbube"
  • Jossekin Beilharz. Koordinierungssprachen - von NUMA-Knoten bis zu Cloud-Verbünden. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2016. Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt, Max Plauth, and Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Beilharz, Jossekin",
    title = "{Koordinierungssprachen - von NUMA-Knoten bis zu Cloud-Verbünden}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt, Max Plauth, and Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2016",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "felix.eberhardt,max.plauth,frank.feinbube"
  • Christoph Sterz. Analyzing NUMA Performance Based on Hardware Event Counters. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2016. Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt, Max Plauth, and Frank Feinbube. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Sterz, Christoph",
    title = "{Analyzing NUMA Performance Based on Hardware Event Counters}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt, Max Plauth, and Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2016",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "felix.eberhardt,max.plauth,frank.feinbube"
  • Vincent Schwarzer. Evaluierung von Unikernel-Betriebssystemen fur Cloud-Computing. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2016. Co-supervision by Max Plauth, Felix Eberhardt, and Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Schwarzer, Vincent",
    title = "{Evaluierung von Unikernel-Betriebssystemen fur Cloud-Computing}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Max Plauth, Felix Eberhardt, and Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2016",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "max.plauth,felix.eberhardt,frank.feinbube"
  • Wieland Hagen. A Programming model for C++ application development on Non-Uniform Memory Access architectures. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2016. Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt, Max Plauth, and Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Hagen, Wieland",
    title = "{A Programming model for C++ application development on Non-Uniform Memory Access architectures}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt, Max Plauth, and Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2016",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "felix.eberhardt,max.plauth,frank.feinbube"
  • Patrick Schmidt. Optimization Guidelines for NUMA Architectures. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2016. Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt, Frank Feinbube, and Max Plauth. [ PDF | ]
    author = "Schmidt, Patrick",
    title = "{Optimization Guidelines for NUMA Architectures}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Felix Eberhardt, Frank Feinbube, and Max Plauth",
    year = "2016",
    pdf = "",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "felix.eberhardt,frank.feinbube,max.plauth"
  • Marius Knaust. Data Partitioning Schemes in Heterogeneous Systems. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2016. Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Knaust, Marius",
    title = "{Data Partitioning Schemes in Heterogeneous Systems}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2016",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "frank.feinbube"
  • Marco Lamina. Hybrid Programming with Scala. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2015. Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Lamina, Marco",
    title = "{Hybrid Programming with Scala}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2015",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "frank.feinbube"
  • Christian Kieschnick. Real-Time Multicore Scheduling. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Kieschnick, Christian",
    title = "{Real-Time Multicore Scheduling}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "frank.feinbube"
  • Florian Westphal. Überwachung von virtuellen Maschinen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Christian Neuhaus.
    author = "Westphal, Florian",
    title = "{Überwachung von virtuellen Maschinen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Christian Neuhaus",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "christian.neuhaus"
  • Johan Uhle. Dependability Modeling for DevOps Environments. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Uhle, Johan",
    title = "{Dependability Modeling for DevOps Environments}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Max Plauth. Independent Component Analysis on GPUs. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Plauth, Max",
    title = "{Independent Component Analysis on GPUs}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "frank.feinbube"
  • Frank Schlegel. N-Queens with Dynamic Parallelism. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Schlegel, Frank",
    title = "{N-Queens with Dynamic Parallelism}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "frank.feinbube"
  • Markus Götz. Distributed OpenMP with Python. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Götz, Markus",
    title = "{Distributed OpenMP with Python}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Stefan Klauck. Task-Core Mapping on Blue Gene/Q. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Klauck, Stefan",
    title = "{Task-Core Mapping on Blue Gene/Q}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Thomas Bünger. Modellierung von Sicherheit in vernetzten Fahrzeugsystemen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Bünger, Thomas",
    title = "{Modellierung von Sicherheit in vernetzten Fahrzeugsystemen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Martin Linkhorst. Concurrent Tasks with Dynamic Parallelism on NVIDIAs GK110 Architecture. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2014. Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube.
    author = "Linkhorst, Martin",
    title = "{Concurrent Tasks with Dynamic Parallelism on NVIDIAs GK110 Architecture}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Frank Feinbube",
    year = "2014",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "frank.feinbube"
  • Martin Kreichgauer. Durchsuchbare Verschlüsselung. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2013. Co-supervision by Christian Neuhaus.
    author = "Kreichgauer, Martin",
    title = "{Durchsuchbare Verschlüsselung}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Christian Neuhaus",
    year = "2013",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "christian.neuhaus"
  • Lena Herscheid. Fehlerbaumanalyse durch Simulation. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2013. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Herscheid, Lena",
    title = "{Fehlerbaumanalyse durch Simulation}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2013",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Norman Höfler. Parallelverarbeitung von log-basierten Anomaliesignalen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2013. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Höfler, Norman",
    title = "{Parallelverarbeitung von log-basierten Anomaliesignalen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2013",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Michael Frister. Sicherer yeariaustausch auf Cloud-Speichern mit einem verteilten Authorisierungsdienst. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2013. Co-supervision by Christian Neuhaus.
    author = "Frister, Michael",
    title = "{Sicherer yeariaustausch auf Cloud-Speichern mit einem verteilten Authorisierungsdienst}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Christian Neuhaus",
    year = "2013",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "christian.neuhhaus"
  • Franz Becker. Analyse von Fehlerbäumen mit unscharfen Eingabewerten. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2013. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Becker, Franz",
    title = "{Analyse von Fehlerbäumen mit unscharfen Eingabewerten}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2013",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Claudia Dittrich. Mainframe-Experimente. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2012. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Dittrich, Claudia",
    title = "{Mainframe-Experimente}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2012",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Stefan Richter. Fehlerinjektion und Fehlertoleranz in z/Linux. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2012. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Richter, Stefan",
    title = "{Fehlerinjektion und Fehlertoleranz in z/Linux}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2012",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Christoph Neijenhuis. Parallelisierung des SIFT-Algorithmus in verteilten NUMA-Systemen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2012. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Neijenhuis, Christoph",
    title = "{Parallelisierung des SIFT-Algorithmus in verteilten NUMA-Systemen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2012",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Michael Grünewald. Verlässliche Ausführung durch Redundanz auf Anwendungsebene. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2012. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Grünewald, Michael",
    title = "{Verlässliche Ausführung durch Redundanz auf Anwendungsebene}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2012",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Matthias Richly. Resource Partitioning for Virtual Machines based on QEMU and the KVM Hypervisor. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2012. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Richly, Matthias",
    title = "{Resource Partitioning for Virtual Machines based on QEMU and the KVM Hypervisor}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2012",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Paul Römer. Einfluss von Compiler-Optimierungen auf die Verlässlichkeit von Software. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2011. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Römer, Paul",
    title = "{Einfluss von Compiler-Optimierungen auf die Verlässlichkeit von Software}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2011",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Frank Zschockelt. Überwachung und Behandlung von Hardware-Fehlern mit modernen Prozessorarchitekturen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2011. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Zschockelt, Frank",
    title = "{Überwachung und Behandlung von Hardware-Fehlern mit modernen Prozessorarchitekturen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2011",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Erik Schleiff. Memory Hot Plug and Virtual Machines. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2011. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Schleiff, Erik",
    title = "{Memory Hot Plug and Virtual Machines}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2011",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Fabian Garagnon. Integration eines Quellcode-Verwaltungssystems in einem Funktionsblockeditor (P80i). Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2010. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Garagnon, Fabian",
    title = "{Integration eines Quellcode-Verwaltungssystems in einem Funktionsblockeditor (P80i)}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2010",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Frank Feinbube. Performance Evaluation in Application-Servers. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2009. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Feinbube, Frank",
    title = "{Performance Evaluation in Application-Servers}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2009",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Jan-Arne Sobania. A Tracing Infrastructure for the Windows Research Kernel. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2009. Co-supervision by Alexander Schmidt.
    author = "Sobania, Jan-Arne",
    title = "{A Tracing Infrastructure for the Windows Research Kernel}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Alexander Schmidt",
    year = "2009",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = ""
  • Daniel Richter. Analyse des Ressourcenverbrauchs in konsolidierten Umgebungen am Beispiel betriebswirtschaftlicher Standardsoftwaresysteme. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2009. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Richter, Daniel",
    title = "{Analyse des Ressourcenverbrauchs in konsolidierten Umgebungen am Beispiel betriebswirtschaftlicher Standardsoftwaresysteme}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2009",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Robert Wierschke. Analyse des Ressourcenverbrauchs in virtualisierten Systemen - Am Beispiel der E/A-Last betriebswirtschaftlicher Standardanwendungen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2009. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Wierschke, Robert",
    title = "{Analyse des Ressourcenverbrauchs in virtualisierten Systemen - Am Beispiel der E/A-Last betriebswirtschaftlicher Standardanwendungen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2009",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Johannes Passing. Dynamic Tracing of Windows NT Kernel Mode Components. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2008. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Passing, Johannes",
    title = "{Dynamic Tracing of Windows NT Kernel Mode Components}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2008",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Stefan Barthel. Performance Prediction of Centralized Protection and Control Applications. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2008. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Barthel, Stefan",
    title = "{Performance Prediction of Centralized Protection and Control Applications}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2008",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Eiko Büttner. Dynamische Überwachung und deterministische Wiederausführung von Java Services basierend auf Data Replay. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2007. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Büttner, Eiko",
    title = "{Dynamische Überwachung und deterministische Wiederausführung von Java Services basierend auf Data Replay}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2007",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Paul Bouche. Instrumentierung von J2EE-Dienstimplementierungen in ASG. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2007. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Bouche, Paul",
    title = "{Instrumentierung von J2EE-Dienstimplementierungen in ASG}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2007",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Oleksandr Shepil. Steigerung der Leistung und Verfügbarkeit mit Hilfe des Google yearisystems. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2007. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Shepil, Oleksandr",
    title = "{Steigerung der Leistung und Verfügbarkeit mit Hilfe des Google yearisystems}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2007",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Michal Olejniczak. Aspektorientiertes Managementframework für die Windows Fernwartungsschnittstelle (WMI). Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2007. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Olejniczak, Michal",
    title = "{Aspektorientiertes Managementframework für die Windows Fernwartungsschnittstelle (WMI)}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2007",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Dirk Zander. Speicherverwaltung in .NET für eingebettete Systeme. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2007. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Zander, Dirk",
    title = "{Speicherverwaltung in .NET für eingebettete Systeme}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2007",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Florian Wonneberg. Statische Analyse ganzer .NET-Programme. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2007. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Wonneberg, Florian",
    title = "{Statische Analyse ganzer .NET-Programme}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2007",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Martin Karlsch. A Model-driven Framework for Domain-Specific Languages. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2007. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Karlsch, Martin",
    title = "{A Model-driven Framework for Domain-Specific Languages}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2007",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Alexander Saar. Leistungsüberwachung von Web-Service-Anwendungen in heterogenen Java Enterprise Umgebungen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2006. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Saar, Alexander",
    title = "{Leistungsüberwachung von Web-Service-Anwendungen in heterogenen Java Enterprise Umgebungen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2006",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Kai Köhne. Grid-Occam Eine Sprache zur Koordination und Konfiguration in Grid-Systemen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2006. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Köhne, Kai",
    title = "{Grid-Occam Eine Sprache zur Koordination und Konfiguration in Grid-Systemen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2006",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Helge Issel. Dynamische Rekonfiguration in Eingebetteten Systemen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2006. Co-supervision by Andreas Rasche.
    author = "Issel, Helge",
    title = "{Dynamische Rekonfiguration in Eingebetteten Systemen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Rasche",
    year = "2006",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.rasche"
  • Stefan Richter. Software Development for Embedded Systems Based on ECMA 335. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2006. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Richter, Stefan",
    title = "{Software Development for Embedded Systems Based on ECMA 335}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2006",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Matthias Senf. Entwurf und Implementierung einer dynamischen Serviceplattform für eingebettete Systeme. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2006. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Senf, Matthias",
    title = "{Entwurf und Implementierung einer dynamischen Serviceplattform für eingebettete Systeme}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2006",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Paul Borchert. Verlässliche Programmausführung in der Asparagusumgebung. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2006. Co-supervision by Andreas Polze.
    author = "Borchert, Paul",
    title = "{Verlässliche Programmausführung in der Asparagusumgebung}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Andreas Polze",
    year = "2006",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "andreas.polze"
  • Markus Roscher. Prediktionsmechanismen in Grid-Umgebungen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2005. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Roscher, Markus",
    title = "{Prediktionsmechanismen in Grid-Umgebungen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2005",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Michael Böhl. Plattformunabhängige OGSI/WSRF-Dienste in .NET Umgebungen. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2005. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Böhl, Michael",
    title = "{Plattformunabhängige OGSI/WSRF-Dienste in .NET Umgebungen}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2005",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Lars Lindner. Das Grid-Filesystem. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2005. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Lindner, Lars",
    title = "{Das Grid-Filesystem}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2005",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"
  • Matthias Lendholdt. Ressourcenpartitionierung für Grid-Systeme. Master's thesis, Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, 2005. Co-supervision by Peter Tröger.
    author = "Lendholdt, Matthias",
    title = "{Ressourcenpartitionierung für Grid-Systeme}",
    note = "Co-supervision by Peter Tröger",
    year = "2005",
    school = "Professorship for Operating Systems and Middleware, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam",
    tags = "peter.troeger"