Max Plauth

Phone: +49 331 5509-233
E-Mail: max.plauth ...
Room: C-1.6
Biographical Sketch
- since 2015
- PhD Student / Research Assistant at Hasso Plattner Institut, Potsdam
- 2011-2014
- Master of Science (M.Sc.), IT-Systems Engineering (HPI)
- 2014-2015
- Software Engineer at IVU Traffic Technologies AG
- 2006-2010
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), IT-Systems Engineering (HPI)
Till Lehmann, Lukas Wenzel, Max Plauth, Sven Köhler, and Andreas Polze.
Accelerating next generation genome sequencing leveraging high bandwidth memory on fpgas.
In 2022 Tenth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW), 62–68. 2022.
author = "Lehmann, Till and Wenzel, Lukas and Plauth, Max and Köhler, Sven and Polze, Andreas",
booktitle = "2022 Tenth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)",
title = "Accelerating Next Generation Genome Sequencing Leveraging High Bandwidth Memory on FPGAs",
year = "2022",
pages = "62-68",
doi = "10.1109/CANDARW57323.2022.00053",
tags = "till.lehmann,lukas.wenzel,max.plauth,sven.koehler,andreas.polze"
} -
Max Plauth.
Improving the Accessibility of Heterogeneous System Resources for Application Developers using Programming Abstractions.
Dissertation, Universität Potsdam, July 2022.
URL:, doi:10.25932/publishup-55811.
author = "Plauth, Max",
title = "{Improving the Accessibility of Heterogeneous System Resources for Application Developers using Programming Abstractions}",
type = "Dissertation",
pages = "133",
school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam},
year = "2022",
month = "July",
tags = "max.plauth,doctoral-thesis",
doi = "10.25932/publishup-55811",
url = "",
pdf = "\_plauth\_max.pdf"
} -
Max Plauth, Felix Eberhardt, Andreas Grapentin, and Andreas Polze.
Improving the Accessibility of NUMA-Aware C++ Application Development Based on the PGASUS Framework.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, pages e6887, February 2022.
author = "Plauth, Max and Eberhardt, Felix and Grapentin, Andreas and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Improving the Accessibility of NUMA-Aware C++ Application Development Based on the PGASUS Framework}",
journal = "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience",
pages = "e6887",
keywords = "data transfer efficiency, GPU computing, I/O link compression, scale-out computing",
doi = "10.1002/cpe.6887",
publisher = "Wiley",
tags = "max.plauth,felix.eberhardt,andreas.grapentin,andreas.polze",
year = "2022",
month = "February",
pdf = ""
} -
Sven Köhler, Lukas Wenzel, Max Plauth, Pawel Böning, Philipp Gampe, Leonard Geier, and Andreas Polze.
Recognizing HPC Workloads Based on Power Draw Signatures.
In 2021 Ninth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW), 278–284. 2021.
video |
author = "Köhler, Sven and Wenzel, Lukas and Plauth, Max and Böning, Pawel and Gampe, Philipp and Geier, Leonard and Polze, Andreas",
booktitle = "2021 Ninth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)",
title = "{Recognizing HPC Workloads Based on Power Draw Signatures}",
year = "2021",
pages = "278-284",
doi = "10.1109/CANDARW53999.2021.00053",
tags = "sven.koehler,lukas.wenzel,max.plauth,pawel.boening,philipp.gampe,leonard.geier,andreas.polze",
pdf = "",
video = ""
} -
Max Plauth, Joan Bruguera Micó, and Andreas Polze.
Improved Data Transfer Efficiency for Scale-Out Heterogeneous Workloads Using On-the-Fly I/O Link Compression.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, pages e6101, 2020.
author = "Plauth, Max and Bruguera Micó, Joan and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Improved Data Transfer Efficiency for Scale-Out Heterogeneous Workloads Using On-the-Fly I/O Link Compression}",
journal = "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience",
pages = "e6101",
keywords = "data transfer efficiency, GPU computing, I/O link compression, scale-out computing",
doi = "10.1002/cpe.6101",
publisher = "Wiley",
tags = "max.plauth,joan.bruguera,andreas.polze",
year = "2020",
pdf = "\_Improved\_data\_transfer\_efficiency\_for\_scale-out\_heterogeneous\_workloads\_using\_on-the-fly\_IO\_link\_compression/fulltext/60988940299bf1ad8d8d7fca/Improved-data-transfer-efficiency-for-scale-out-heterogeneous-workloads-using-on-the-fly-I-O-link-compression.pdf"
} -
Sven Köhler, Benedict Herzog, Timo Hönig, Lukas Wenzel, Max Plauth, Jörg Nolte, Andreas Polze, and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat.
Pinpoint the Joules: Unifying Runtime-Support for Energy Measurements on Heterogeneous Systems.
In 2020 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS), 31–40. IEEE, 2020.
video |
author = {K{\"o}hler, Sven and Herzog, Benedict and H{\"o}nig, Timo and Wenzel, Lukas and Plauth, Max and Nolte, J{\"o}rg and Polze, Andreas and Schr{\"o}der-Preikschat, Wolfgang},
title = "{Pinpoint the Joules: Unifying Runtime-Support for Energy Measurements on Heterogeneous Systems}",
booktitle = "2020 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS)",
pages = "31--40",
year = "2020",
organization = "IEEE",
tags = "sven.koehler,benedict.herzog,timo.hoenig,lukas.wenzel,max.plauth,joerg.nolte,andreas.polze,wolfgang.schroeder-preikschat",
doi = "10.1109/ROSS51935.2020.00009",
pdf = "",
video = ""
} -
Robert Schmid, Max Plauth, Lukas Wenzel, Felix Eberhardt, and Andreas Polze.
Accessible Near-Storage Computing with FPGAs.
In Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Computer Systems, EuroSys '20. New York, NY, USA, 2020. Association for Computing Machinery.
slides |
video |
author = "Schmid, Robert and Plauth, Max and Wenzel, Lukas and Eberhardt, Felix and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Accessible Near-Storage Computing with FPGAs}",
tags = "robert.schmid,max.plauth,lukas.wenzel,felix.eberhardt,andreas.polze",
year = "2020",
isbn = "9781450368827",
publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery",
address = "New York, NY, USA",
doi = "10.1145/3342195.3387557",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Computer Systems",
articleno = "Article 28",
numpages = "12",
location = "Heraklion, Greece",
series = "EuroSys '20",
pdf = "",
slides = "",
video = ""
} -
Max Plauth and Andreas Polze.
GPU-Based Decompression for the 842 Algorithm.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW), 97–102. IEEE, 2019.
author = "Plauth, Max and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{GPU-Based Decompression for the 842 Algorithm}",
tags = "max.plauth,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)",
pages = "97--102",
year = "2019",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/CANDARW.2019.00025",
pdf = ""
} -
Robert Schmid, Max Plauth, Lukas Wenzel, Felix Eberhardt, and Andreas Polze.
Orchestrating Near-Data FPGA Accelerators Using Unix Pipes.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW), 125–128. IEEE, 2019.
author = "Schmid, Robert and Plauth, Max and Wenzel, Lukas and Eberhardt, Felix and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Orchestrating Near-Data FPGA Accelerators Using Unix Pipes}",
tags = "robert.schmid,max.plauth,lukas.wenzel,felix.eberhardt,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)",
pages = "125--128",
year = "2019",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/CANDARW.2019.00030",
pdf = ""
} -
Benedict Herzog, Timo Hönig, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Max Plauth, Sven Köhler, and Andreas Polze.
Bridging the Gap: Energy-efficient Execution of Software Workloads on Heterogeneous Hardware Components.
In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, 428–430. 2019.
author = {Herzog, Benedict and H{\"o}nig, Timo and Schr{\"o}der-Preikschat, Wolfgang and Plauth, Max and K{\"o}hler, Sven and Polze, Andreas},
title = "{Bridging the Gap: Energy-efficient Execution of Software Workloads on Heterogeneous Hardware Components}",
tags = "benedict.herzog,timo.hoenig,wolfgang.schroederpreikschat,max.plauth,sven.koehler,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems",
pages = "428--430",
year = "2019",
doi = "10.1145/3307772.3330176",
pdf = ""
} -
Max Plauth and Andreas Polze.
Towards Improving Data Transfer Efficiency for Accelerators Using Hardware Compression.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW), 125–131. IEEE, 2018.
author = "Plauth, Max and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Towards Improving Data Transfer Efficiency for Accelerators Using Hardware Compression}",
tags = "max.plauth,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)",
pages = "125--131",
year = "2018",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/CANDARW.2018.00031",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/329953356\_Towards\_Improving\_Data\_Transfer\_Efficiency\_for\_Accelerators\_Using\_Hardware\_Compression/links/5ceba854a6fdccc9ddd23ae1/Towards-Improving-Data-Transfer-Efficiency-for-Accelerators-Using-Hardware-Compression.pdf"
} -
Lukas Wenzel, Robert Schmid, Balthasar Martin, Max Plauth, Felix Eberhardt, and Andreas Polze.
Getting started with CAPI SNAP: Hardware Development for Software Engineers.
In Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops, 187–198. Springer, 2018.
slides |
author = "Wenzel, Lukas and Schmid, Robert and Martin, Balthasar and Plauth, Max and Eberhardt, Felix and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Getting started with CAPI SNAP: Hardware Development for Software Engineers}",
tags = "lukas.wenzel,robert.schmid,balthasar.martin,max.plauth,felix.eberhardt,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops",
pages = "187--198",
year = "2018",
organization = "Springer",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-10549-5\_15",
pdf = "\%2F978-3-030-10549-5\_15",
slides = ""
} -
Max Plauth, Florian Rösler, and Andreas Polze.
CloudCL: Single-Paradigm Distributed Heterogeneous Computing for Cloud Infrastructures.
International Journal of Networking and Computing, 8(2):282–301, 2018.
author = {Plauth, Max and R{\"o}sler, Florian and Polze, Andreas},
title = "{CloudCL: Single-Paradigm Distributed Heterogeneous Computing for Cloud Infrastructures}",
tags = "max.plauth,florian.roesler,andreas.polze",
journal = "International Journal of Networking and Computing",
volume = "8",
number = "2",
pages = "282--301",
year = "2018",
publisher = "IJNC Editorial Committee",
doi = "10.15803/ijnc.8.2\_282",
pdf = "\_CloudCL\_Single-Paradigm\_Distributed\_Heterogeneous\_Computing\_for\_Cloud\_Infrastructures/links/5b8653e0299bf1d5a72ee5cb/CloudCL-Single-Paradigm-Distributed-Heterogeneous-Computing-for-Cloud-Infrastructures.pdf",
issn = "2185-2847"
} -
Max Plauth, Fredrik Teschke, Daniel Richter, and Andreas Polze.
Hardening Application Security using Intel SGX.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS), 375–380. IEEE, 2018.
slides |
author = "Plauth, Max and Teschke, Fredrik and Richter, Daniel and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Hardening Application Security using Intel SGX}",
tags = "max.plauth,fredrik.teschke,daniel.richter,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS)",
pages = "375--380",
year = "2018",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/QRS.2018.00050",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/326855210\_Hardening\_Application\_Security\_Using\_Intel\_SGX/links/5b865427299bf1d5a72ee5f9/Hardening-Application-Security-Using-Intel-SGX.pdf",
slides = ""
} -
Andreas Grapentin, Max Plauth, and Andreas Polze.
MemSpaces: Evaluating the Tuple Space Paradigm in the Context of Memory-Centric Architectures.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), 284–290. IEEE, 2017.
author = "Grapentin, Andreas and Plauth, Max and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{MemSpaces: Evaluating the Tuple Space Paradigm in the Context of Memory-Centric Architectures}",
tags = "andreas.grapentin,max.plauth,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR)",
pages = "284--290",
year = "2017",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/CANDAR.2017.55",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/324792072\_MemSpaces\_Evaluating\_the\_Tuple\_Space\_Paradigm\_in\_the\_Context\_of\_Memory-Centric\_Architectures/links/5b86540792851c1e1239190d/MemSpaces-Evaluating-the-Tuple-Space-Paradigm-in-the-Context-of-Memory-Centric-Architectures.pdf"
} -
Max Plauth, Florian Rösler, and Andreas Polze.
CloudCL: Distributed Heterogeneous Computing on Cloud Scale.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), 344–350. IEEE, 2017.
author = {Plauth, Max and R{\"o}sler, Florian and Polze, Andreas},
title = "{CloudCL: Distributed Heterogeneous Computing on Cloud Scale}",
tags = "max.plauth,florian.roesler,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR)",
pages = "344--350",
year = "2017",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/CANDAR.2017.49",
pdf = "\_CloudCL\_Distributed\_Heterogeneous\_Computing\_on\_Cloud\_Scale/link/5b8653e1299bf1d5a72ee5cc/download"
} -
Max Plauth, Matthias Bastian, and Andreas Polze.
Facilitating Policy Adherence in Federated OpenStack Clouds with Minimally Invasive Changes.
In Proceedings of the Fifth HPI Cloud Symposium Operating the Cloud. 2017.
author = "Plauth, Max and Bastian, Matthias and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Facilitating Policy Adherence in Federated OpenStack Clouds with Minimally Invasive Changes}",
tags = "max.plauth,matthias.bastian,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth HPI Cloud Symposium Operating the Cloud",
year = "2017",
pdf = ""
} -
Max Plauth, Lena Feinbube, and Andreas Polze.
A Performance Survey of Lightweight Virtualization Techniques.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, 34–48. Springer, 2017.
author = "Plauth, Max and Feinbube, Lena and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{A Performance Survey of Lightweight Virtualization Techniques}",
tags = "max.plauth,lena.feinbube,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing",
pages = "34--48",
year = "2017",
organization = "Springer",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-67262-5\_3",
pdf = ""
} -
Frank Feinbube, Max Plauth, Marius Knaust, and Andreas Polze.
Data Partitioning Strategies for Stencil Computations on NUMA Systems.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Parallel Processing, 597–609. Springer, 2017.
slides |
author = "Feinbube, Frank and Plauth, Max and Knaust, Marius and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Data Partitioning Strategies for Stencil Computations on NUMA Systems}",
tags = "frank.feinbube,max.plauth,marius.knaust,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the European Conference on Parallel Processing",
pages = "597--609",
year = "2017",
organization = "Springer",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-75178-8\_48",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/322981741\_Data\_Partitioning\_Strategies\_for\_Stencil\_Computations\_on\_NUMA\_Systems/links/5b864dc8a6fdcc5f8b6eb065/Data-Partitioning-Strategies-for-Stencil-Computations-on-NUMA-Systems.pdf",
slides = ""
} -
Max Plauth, Christoph Sterz, Felix Eberhardt, Frank Feinbube, and Andreas Polze.
Assessing NUMA Performance Based on Hardware Event Counters.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 904–913. IEEE, 2017.
author = "Plauth, Max and Sterz, Christoph and Eberhardt, Felix and Feinbube, Frank and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Assessing NUMA Performance Based on Hardware Event Counters}",
tags = "max.plauth,christoph.sterz,felix.eberhardt,frank.feinbube,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)",
pages = "904--913",
year = "2017",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/IPDPSW.2017.51",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/318123665\_Assessing\_NUMA\_Performance\_Based\_on\_Hardware\_Event\_Counters/links/59fae466a6fdcc9a162703ce/Assessing-NUMA-Performance-Based-on-Hardware-Event-Counters.pdf"
} -
Max Plauth, Lena Feinbube, and Andreas Polze.
A Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Approaches to Virtualization.
Cloud Computing, 2017:14, 2017.
author = "Plauth, Max and Feinbube, Lena and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{A Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Approaches to Virtualization}",
tags = "max.plauth,lena.feinbube,andreas.polze",
journal = "Cloud Computing",
volume = "2017",
pages = "14",
year = "2017",
isbn = "978-1-61208-529-6",
pdf = "\_computing\_2017\_1\_20\_20027"
} -
Karsten Tausche, Max Plauth, and Andreas Polze.
dOpenCL–Evaluation of an API-Forwarding Implementation.
In Proceedings of the Fourth HPI Cloud Symposium “Operating the Cloud. 2016.
author = "Tausche, Karsten and Plauth, Max and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{dOpenCL--Evaluation of an API-Forwarding Implementation}",
tags = "karsten.tausche,max.plauth,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth HPI Cloud Symposium “Operating the Cloud",
year = "2016",
doi = "10.13140/RG.2.2.16598.24641",
pdf = "\_dOpenCL\_-\_Evaluation\_of\_an\_API-Forwarding\_Implementation/links/583fe22f08ae61f75dc99932/dOpenCL-Evaluation-of-an-API-Forwarding-Implementation.pdf"
} -
Max Plauth and Andreas Polze.
Are Low-Power SoCs Feasible for Heterogenous HPC Workloads?
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Parallel Processing, 763–774. Springer, 2016.
slides |
author = "Plauth, Max and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Are Low-Power SoCs Feasible for Heterogenous HPC Workloads?}",
tags = "max.plauth,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the European Conference on Parallel Processing",
pages = "763--774",
year = "2016",
organization = "Springer",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-58943-5\_61",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/318132730\_Are\_Low-Power\_SoCs\_Feasible\_for\_Heterogenous\_HPC\_Workloads/links/59fb1bad458515d070605a0f/Are-Low-Power-SoCs-Feasible-for-Heterogenous-HPC-Workloads.pdf",
slides = ""
} -
Max Plauth, Wieland Hagen, Frank Feinbube, Felix Eberhardt, Lena Feinbube, and Andreas Polze.
Parallel Implementation Strategies for Hierarchical Non-uniform Memory Access Systems by Example of the Scale-invariant Feature Transform Algorithm.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 1351–1359. IEEE, 2016.
author = "Plauth, Max and Hagen, Wieland and Feinbube, Frank and Eberhardt, Felix and Feinbube, Lena and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Parallel Implementation Strategies for Hierarchical Non-uniform Memory Access Systems by Example of the Scale-invariant Feature Transform Algorithm}",
tags = "max.plauth,wieland.hagen,frank.feinbube,felix.eberhardt,lena.feinbube,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)",
pages = "1351--1359",
year = "2016",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/IPDPSW.2016.47",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/305871691\_Parallel\_Implementation\_Strategies\_for\_Hierarchical\_Non-uniform\_Memory\_Access\_Systems\_by\_Example\_of\_the\_Scale-Invariant\_Feature\_Transform\_Algorithm/links/59fae4deaca272026f6fdd21/Parallel-Implementation-Strategies-for-Hierarchical-Non-uniform-Memory-Access-Systems-by-Example-of-the-Scale-Invariant-Feature-Transform-Algorithm.pdf"
} -
Wieland Hagen, Max Plauth, Felix Eberhardt, Frank Feinbube, and Andreas Polze.
PGASUS: a framework for C++ application development on NUMA architectures.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), 368–374. IEEE, 2016.
author = "Hagen, Wieland and Plauth, Max and Eberhardt, Felix and Feinbube, Frank and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{PGASUS: a framework for C++ application development on NUMA architectures}",
tags = "wieland.hagen,max.plauth,felix.eberhardt,frank.feinbube,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR)",
pages = "368--374",
year = "2016",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/CANDAR.2016.0071",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/312571766\_PGASUS\_A\_Framework\_for\_C\_Application\_Development\_on\_NUMA\_Architectures/links/59fae40ea6fdcc9a162703ac/PGASUS-A-Framework-for-C-Application-Development-on-NUMA-Architectures.pdf"
} -
Max Plauth, Frank Feinbube, Frank Schlegel, and Andreas Polze.
A Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Parallelism for Fine-grained, Irregular Workloads.
International Journal of Networking and Computing, 6(2):212–229, 2016.
author = "Plauth, Max and Feinbube, Frank and Schlegel, Frank and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{A Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Parallelism for Fine-grained, Irregular Workloads}",
tags = "max.plauth,frank.feinbube,frank.schlegel,andreas.polze",
journal = "International Journal of Networking and Computing",
volume = "6",
number = "2",
pages = "212--229",
year = "2016",
publisher = "IJNC Editorial Committee",
issn = "2185-2847",
doi = "10.15803/ijnc.6.2\_212",
pdf = "\_A\_Performance\_Evaluation\_of\_Dynamic\_Parallelism\_for\_Fine-Grained\_Irregular\_Workloads/links/58f33e580f7e9b6f82e4eaed/A-Performance-Evaluation-of-Dynamic-Parallelism-for-Fine-Grained-Irregular-Workloads.pdf"
} -
Max Plauth, Felix Eberhardt, Frank Feinbube, and Andreas Polze.
A Survey of Security-Aware Approaches for Cloud-Based Storage and Processing Technologies.
Technical Report, Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2016.
author = "Plauth, Max and Eberhardt, Felix and Feinbube, Frank and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{A Survey of Security-Aware Approaches for Cloud-Based Storage and Processing Technologies}",
tags = "max.plauth,felix.eberhardt,frank.feinbube,andreas.polze",
journal = {Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts f{\"u}r Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam},
institution = "Universitätsverlag Potsdam",
pages = "33",
year = "2016",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/311231671\_A\_survey\_of\_security-aware\_approaches\_for\_cloud-based\_storage\_and\_processing\_technologies/links/583fe15808ae8e63e61a22bf/A-survey-of-security-aware-approaches-for-cloud-based-storage-and-processing-technologies.pdf"
} -
Max Plauth, Frank Feinbube, Frank Schlegel, and Andreas Polze.
Using Dynamic Parallelism for Fine-Grained, Irregular Workloads: A Case Study of the N-Queens Problem.
In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), 404–407. IEEE, 2015.
author = "Plauth, Max and Feinbube, Frank and Schlegel, Frank and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Using Dynamic Parallelism for Fine-Grained, Irregular Workloads: A Case Study of the N-Queens Problem}",
tags = "max.plauth,frank.feinbube,frank.schlegel,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR)",
pages = "404--407",
year = "2015",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/CANDAR.2015.26",
pdf = "\_Plauth/publication/292157400\_Using\_Dynamic\_Parallelism\_for\_Fine-Grained\_Irregular\_Workloads\_A\_Case\_Study\_of\_the\_N-Queens\_Problem/links/59fae5880f7e9b61546f5e0d/Using-Dynamic-Parallelism-for-Fine-Grained-Irregular-Workloads-A-Case-Study-of-the-N-Queens-Problem.pdf"
} -
Jossekin Beilharz, Frank Feinbube, Felix Eberhardt Eberhardt, Max Plauth, and Andreas Polze.
Claud: Coordination, Locality And Universal Distribution.
In Proceedings of the Parallel Computing Conference 2015 (PARCO), 605–614. 2016.
author = "Beilharz, Jossekin and Feinbube, Frank and Eberhardt, Felix Eberhardt and Plauth, Max and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Claud: Coordination, Locality And Universal Distribution}",
tags = "jossekin.beilharz,frank.feinbube,felixeberhardt.eberhardt,max.plauth,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Parallel Computing Conference 2015 (PARCO)",
pages = "605--614",
year = "2016",
doi = "10.3233/978-1-61499-621-7-605",
pdf = ""
} -
Frank Feinbube, Max Plauth, Christian Kieschnick, and Andreas Polze.
Evolving Scheduling Strategies for Multi-Processor Real-Time Systems.
OSPERT 2015, pages 57, 2015.
author = "Feinbube, Frank and Plauth, Max and Kieschnick, Christian and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Evolving Scheduling Strategies for Multi-Processor Real-Time Systems}",
tags = "frank.feinbube,max.plauth,christian.kieschnick,andreas.polze",
journal = "OSPERT 2015",
pages = "57",
year = "2015",
pdf = "\textasciitilde bbb/events/ospert15/pdf/ospert15-p57.pdf",
slide = "\textasciitilde bbb/events/ospert15/pdf/ospert15-talk-l6.pdf"
} -
Max Plauth, Frank Feinbube, Peter Tröger, and Andreas Polze.
FastICA on Modern GPU Architectures.
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, 69–75. IEEE, 2014.
author = {Plauth, Max and Feinbube, Frank and Tr{\"o}ger, Peter and Polze, Andreas},
title = "{FastICA on Modern GPU Architectures}",
tags = "max.plauth,frank.feinbube,peter.troeger,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies",
pages = "69--75",
year = "2014",
organization = "IEEE",
doi = "10.1109/PDCAT.2014.19",
pdf = ""