Dipl.-Inf. Wolfgang Schult
Biographical Sketch
Senior System Architect at the Deutsche Post IT-Solutions in Berlin, Germany | since Apr 2003 | |
Ph. D. student at the Operating Systems and Middleware chair at the Hasso-Plattner-Insti tute for Software Engineering (HPI) at University Potsdam. | since Mar 2003 | |
Diploma in Computer Science (Dipl.-Inf.), Humboldt University, Berlin | Oct 2002 | |
Scientific project member at Operating Systems & Middleware chair at Hasso-Plattner-Instit ut, Potsdam | since Sep 2001 | |
IT-Consultant for several companies (Digital Spirit, Smartforce Prokoda, M2S Multimedia, Deutsche-Post Consult, Mewes & Partner GmbH | since 1997 | |
Study of Computer Science, Humboldt University, Berlin | 1996-2002 |

Current Interest
- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), The LOOM.NET Project
- Microsoft .NET, Mono & Rotor
- Tuplespaces.NET
Architektur Komponenten-basierter Systeme mit Loom: Aspekte, Muster, Werkzeuge.
Cuvillier Verlag, June 2009.
ISBN 3869550317.
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/2023/https://www.hpi.de/forschung/publikationen/dissertationen/dissertation-wolfgang-schult.html.
author = "Schult, Wolfgang",
title = "{Architektur Komponenten-basierter Systeme mit Loom: Aspekte, Muster, Werkzeuge}",
type = "Dissertation",
tags = "wolfgang.schult,doctoral-thesis,loom",
year = "2009",
month = "June",
publisher = "Cuvillier Verlag",
pdf = "https://web.archive.org/web/2023/http://hpi.de/fileadmin/user\_upload/hpi/navigation/10\_forschung/30\_publikationen/15\_dissertationen/diss\_schult.pdf",
isbn = "3869550317",
url = "https://web.archive.org/web/2023/https://www.hpi.de/forschung/publikationen/dissertationen/dissertation-wolfgang-schult.html"
} -
Andreas Rasche and Wolfgang Schult.
Dynamic Updates of Graphical Components in the .NET Framework.
In Communication in Distributed Systems-15. ITG/GI Symposium, 1–12. VDE, 2007.
author = "Rasche, Andreas and Schult, Wolfgang",
title = "{Dynamic Updates of Graphical Components in the .NET Framework}",
tags = "andreas.rasche,wolfgang.schult,loom",
booktitle = "Communication in Distributed Systems-15. ITG/GI Symposium",
pages = "1--12",
year = "2007",
organization = "VDE",
pdf = "https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/60c9/80774f3abe746a6a99db4c351799f8e080a6.pdf"
} -
Janin Jeske, Bastian Brehmer, Falko Menge, Stefan Hüttenrauch, Christian Adam, Benjamin Schüler, Wolfgang Schult, Andreas Rasche, and Andreas Polze.
Aspektorientierte Programmierung: Überblick über Techniken und Werkzeuge.
Technical Report, Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006.
author = {Jeske, Janin and Brehmer, Bastian and Menge, Falko and H{\"u}ttenrauch, Stefan and Adam, Christian and Sch{\"u}ler, Benjamin and Schult, Wolfgang and Rasche, Andreas and Polze, Andreas},
title = {{Aspektorientierte Programmierung: {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber Techniken und Werkzeuge}},
tags = "janin.jeske,bastian.brehmer,falko.menge,stefan.huettenrauch,christian.adam,benjamin.schueler,wolfgang.schult,andreas.rasche,andreas.polze",
journal = {Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts f{\"u}r Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam},
institution = "Universitätsverlag Potsdam",
year = "2006",
isbn = "3-939469-23-8, 978-3-939469-23-0",
issn = "1613-5652",
pdf = "https://publishup.uni-potsdam.de/files/3200/TB\_14\_HPI.pdf"
} -
Andreas Rasche, Wolfgang Schult, and Andreas Polze.
Self-adaptive Multithreaded Applications: A Case for Dynamic Aspect Weaving.
In Proceedings of the 4th workshop on Reflective and adaptive middleware systems. 2005.
author = "Rasche, Andreas and Schult, Wolfgang and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Self-adaptive Multithreaded Applications: A Case for Dynamic Aspect Weaving}",
tags = "andreas.rasche,wolfgang.schult,andreas.polze,loom",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th workshop on Reflective and adaptive middleware systems",
pdf = "https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/1101516.1101526",
year = "2005"
} -
Kai Köhne, Wolfgang Schult, and Andreas Polze.
Design by Contract in .NET Using Aspect Oriented Programming.
author = {K{\"o}hne, Kai and Schult, Wolfgang and Polze, Andreas},
title = "{Design by Contract in .NET Using Aspect Oriented Programming}",
year = "2005",
tags = "kai.koehne,wolfgang.schult,andreas.polze,loom",
pdf = "https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1\&type=pdf\&doi=2e9f7862257191919603241bd2ab511533ce3baf",
publisher = "Citeseer"
} -
Andreas Polze and Wolfgang Schult.
Neue Werkzeuge braucht das Land - Aspektorientierte Programmierung im .NET-Komponentenframework.
IT FOKUS, pages 31–38, May/June 2004.
author = "Polze, Andreas and Schult, Wolfgang",
title = "{Neue Werkzeuge braucht das Land - Aspektorientierte Programmierung im .NET-Komponentenframework}",
tags = "andreas.polze,wolfgang.schult",
journal = "IT FOKUS",
pages = "31--38",
month = "May/June",
year = "2004",
issn = "0940-6352",
publisher = "IT Verlag für Informationstechnik GmbH, Sauerlach"
} -
Wolfgang Schult, Peter Troeger, and Andreas Polze.
LOOM.NET – An Aspect Weaving Tool.
In Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Programming, ECOOP, volume 3. 2003.
author = "Schult, Wolfgang and Troeger, Peter and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{LOOM.NET -- An Aspect Weaving Tool}",
tags = "wolfgang.schult,peter.troeger,andreas.polze,loom",
booktitle = "Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Programming, ECOOP",
volume = "3",
pdf = "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter\_Troeger/publication/266089438\_LOOM\_NET-An\_Aspect\_Weaving\_Tool/links/547b74f30cf293e2da2d71f5/LOOM-NET-An-Aspect-Weaving-Tool.pdf",
year = "2003"
} -
Wolfgang Schult and Andreas Polze.
Speed vs. Memory Usage – An Approach to Deal with Contrary Aspects.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD2003), 2003.
author = "Schult, Wolfgang and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Speed vs. Memory Usage -- An Approach to Deal with Contrary Aspects}",
journal = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD2003)",
tags = "wolfgang.schult,andreas.polze,loom",
year = "2003",
pdf = "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andreas\_Polze/publication/2555933\_Speed\_vs\_Memory\_Usage\_-\_An\_Approach\_to\_Deal\_with\_Contrary\_Aspects/links/09e4150fdb56bb56da000000/Speed-vs-Memory-Usage-An-Approach-to-Deal-with-Contrary-Aspects.pdf",
publisher = "Citeseer"
} -
Wolfgang Schult and Andreas Polze.
Dynamic Aspect-weaving with .NET.
In Workshop zur Beherrschung nicht-funktionaler Eigenschaften in Betriebssystemen und Verteilten Systemen 2002. 2002.
author = "Schult, Wolfgang and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Dynamic Aspect-weaving with .NET}",
tags = "wolfgang.schult,andreas.polze,loom",
booktitle = "Workshop zur Beherrschung nicht-funktionaler Eigenschaften in Betriebssystemen und Verteilten Systemen 2002",
pdf = "https://osm.hpi.de/publications/downloads/schult2002dynamic.pdf",
year = "2002"
} -
Wolfgang Schult and Andreas Polze.
Aspect-oriented Programming with C# and .NET.
In Proceedings Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing. ISIRC 2002, 241–248. IEEE, 2002.
author = "Schult, Wolfgang and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Aspect-oriented Programming with C\\# and .NET}",
tags = "wolfgang.schult,andreas.polze,loom,dcl",
booktitle = "Proceedings Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing. ISIRC 2002",
pages = "241--248",
year = "2002",
pdf = "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andreas\_Polze/publication/3948612\_Aspect-Oriented\_Programming\_with\_C\_andNET/links/0046352a03e8893c39000000/Aspect-Oriented-Programming-with-C-andNET.pdf",
organization = "IEEE"
} -
Wolfgang Schult.
Aspectoriented Programming with Microsoft .NET.
PhD thesis, Chair of Computer Architecture and Communication, Humboldt-University of Berlin, 2002.
author = "Schult, Wolfgang",
title = "Aspectoriented Programming with Microsoft .NET",
tags = "wolfgang.schult",
school = "Chair of Computer Architecture and Communication, Humboldt-University of Berlin",
year = "2002"