Katja Assaf

Phone: +49 331 5509-575
E-Mail: katja.assaf ... hpi.de
Room: C-1.6
Research Interests
- Cybersecurity and Cryptography
- Cybersecurity in Railway Systems
- Digital and Anonymous Credentials
Robert Schmid, Katja Assaf, Clemens Tiedt, Frederic Reiter, Dirk Friedenberger, and Andreas Polze.
Managing complexity in safety-critical railway signaling systems using simplex architectures.
In ISORC 2024. May 2024.
author = "Schmid, Robert and Assaf, Katja and Tiedt, Clemens and Reiter, Frederic and Friedenberger, Dirk and Polze, Andreas",
title = "Managing Complexity in Safety-critical Railway Signaling Systems using Simplex Architectures",
booktitle = "ISORC 2024",
month = "May",
year = "2024",
tags = "katja.assaf,robert.schmid,clemens.tiedt,frederic.reiter,dirk.friedenberger,andreas.polze"
} -
Katja Assaf.
Anonymous Credentials And Self-Sovereign Identity - An Initial Assessment.
In Workshop of the International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA). Springer, 2024.
author = "Assaf, Katja",
title = "{Anonymous Credentials And Self-Sovereign Identity - An Initial Assessment}",
booktitle = "Workshop of the International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA)",
pages = "",
year = "2024",
organization = "Springer",
tags = "katja.assaf"
} -
Katja Assaf, Alexander Mühle, Daniel Köhler, and Christoph Meinel.
Prison Break: From Proprietary Data Sources to SSI Verifiable Credentials.
In International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 355–366. Springer, 2023.
author = {Assaf, Katja and M{\"u}hle, Alexander and K{\"o}hler, Daniel and Meinel, Christoph},
title = "{Prison Break: From Proprietary Data Sources to SSI Verifiable Credentials}",
booktitle = "International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA)",
pages = "355--366",
year = "2023",
organization = "Springer",
pdf = "https://osm.hpi.de/publications/downloads/assaf2023prisonbreak.pdf",
tags = "katja.assaf"
} -
Alexander Mühle, Katja Assaf, Daniel Köhler, and Christoph Meinel.
Requirements of a Digital Education Credential System.
In 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1–10. IEEE, 2023.
author = {M{\"u}hle, Alexander and Assaf, Katja and K{\"o}hler, Daniel and Meinel, Christoph},
title = "{Requirements of a Digital Education Credential System}",
booktitle = "2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)",
pages = "1--10",
year = "2023",
organization = "IEEE",
tags = "katja.assaf"
} -
Alexander Mühle, Katja Assaf, and Christoph Meinel.
One to Bind Them: Binding Verifiable Credentials to User Attributes.
In International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT). 2023.
author = {M{\"u}hle, Alexander and Assaf, Katja and Meinel, Christoph},
title = "{One to Bind Them: Binding Verifiable Credentials to User Attributes}",
booktitle = "International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT)",
year = "2023",
pdf = "https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372348771\_One\_to\_Bind\_Them\_Binding\_Verifiable\_Credentials\_to\_User\_Attributes\#fullTextFileContent",
tags = "katja.assaf"
} -
Francisco Daza Pastrana, Francois Hausman, and Katja Stumpp.
Railway cybersecurity: comprehensive and standardized approach to security risk assessment.
In Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena (TRA). 04 2020.
author = "Daza Pastrana, Francisco and Hausman, Francois and Stumpp, Katja",
year = "2020",
month = "04",
pages = "",
title = "Railway cybersecurity: Comprehensive and standardized approach to security risk assessment",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena (TRA)",
tags = "katja.assaf"
Selected Talks
- Why Railway Is Safe But Not Secure at 37c3 (Hamburg, 2023) 1
- Digital Credentials in 2028 - A reflection about the challenges we had to solve at eMadrid, UC3M (Madrid, 2023) 2
- Ich bin |<47j4 - mehr müssen Sie nicht wissen (German) at Science Slam im Waschhaus (Potsdam, 2023) and at 1. Brandenburger Science Slam (Oranienburg, 2022) 3
- Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung Digitaler Bildungsnachweise im Hochschulbereich (German) at openHPI-Forum (Potsdam, 2021) 4
- 1.
- ^ https://media.ccc.de/v/37c3-11717-why_railway_is_safe_but_not_secure
- 2.
- ^ https://emadridnet.uc3m.es/en/2023/01/02/credenciales-digitales-en-2028-una-reflexion-sobre-los-retos-que-teniamos-que-resolver/
- 3.
- ^ https://youtu.be/NbmOACq4Das?si=cYR-dBpV1ucW7Wqy&t=3731
- 4.
- ^ https://www.tele-task.de/lecture/video/8857/
Teaching Activities
- SS24
- Trends in OSM: Railway Security (Master Seminar)
- WS23/24
- Trends in OSM (Master Seminar)
- Verteilte Verlässliche Eingebettete Systeme
- SS23
- Anonymous Credentials (Master Seminar)
- Zusatzqualifikation Cybersecurity (openHPI)
- WS22/23
- Mathe I
- Tatort Internet (openHPI)
- WS21/22
- Mathe I
- User Authentication for a Digital Credential System (Master Project)
- Hot Topics in Secure Identity Research (Master Seminar)
- Malware (openHPI)
Biographical Sketch
- since 2021: PhD Student / Researcher at Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
- 2017 - 2021: Product Solution Security Expert (PSSE) & Product Manager for an Identity and Access Management System (IAM)
- until 2017: M.Sc. Mathematics at TU Berlin