System Service Call Wizard for Visual Studio

Windows Research Kernel @ HPI

We created a project wizard for Visual Studio 2005 that will guide you in creating a system service call for the WRK.

You can download the wizard here.

The wizard requires a WRK source base with a properly setup build.bat batch file. Using the wizard in Visual Studio will create two projects, one for the system call implementation and one for the user mode wrapper DLL. Both projects contain all files that need to be modified in order to implement the system service call.

Building the user mode DLL will first build the kernel including the new system service call and then the DLL itself. For further information on how to build a system service call, please refer to Michael's HowTo series or read the readme.txt in the project that was created with the wizard.


To install the wizard, extract the ZIP archive to a destination of your choice, say C:\MyWizards. Afterwards, copy the files SysCallWiz.vsdir and SysCallWiz.vsz to the VC\vcprojects folder in your Visual Studio 2005 installation directory. Replace the ABSOLUTE_PATH parameter in file SysCallWiz.vsz by the absolute path to the installation directory of the wizard. Note: Do not use a trailing back slash ('\') in the absolute path!


screenshot of project wizard overview
If the installation process went well, you should see the WRK System Service Call wizard in the projects wizard GUI.
screenshot of project wizard project settings
The project wizard allows you to specify the root directory of the WRK code base and the Name of the system service call.
screenshot of solution explorer
The solution and the projects created by the wizard. The kernel project references files of the WRK source base, i.e., changing them will change the kernel also.


One Response to "System Service Call Wizard for Visual Studio"

  1. Chelsea M Heffner on February 22nd, 2009 03:56

    Thanks. I just downloaded the file and I'll give this a whirl.