research seminar 2021
about this seminar
The research seminar Trends in Operating Systems is targeted at students who are planning to do their Master's project or Master's thesis with the Operating Systems and Middleware group. We also invite Master's students who are generally interested in our research projects and topics.
Students can enroll in the seminar and earn 3 or 6 ECTS credits. To earn 3 credits, a prospective candidate has to study recent publications (~ 3 – 5) in an area of our current research projects and topics. We also welcome the suggestion of cross-cutting and further topics. The candidate has to deliver a presentation in our seminar and hand in a short report. To earn 6 credits, we expect students to work on a hands-on project, which may involve implementation or evaluation work in addition to the presentation.
- presentation
- kick-off: ~ 15 + 5 minutes
- final: ~ 30 + 10 minutes
- be prepared for a Q&A: discussions, backup slides, …
- report: ~ 8 – 12 pages LNCS / 4 – 6 pages IEEE
- meetings with supervisor
- at beginning: define directions and papers to read
- before final presentation: discuss slides
- further meetings as required (usually regular short update meetings, depends on project)
- seminar attendance is expected
Tuesdays, 11:00 - 12:30, Zoom meeting
To receive invitations to the regular meetings, please contact or
- 20.04.2021
- Future SOC Lab Day
- 27.04.2021
Pawel Böning, Philipp Gampe, Leonard Geier, Master Project Presentation
Power-Based Workload Classification, Recognition and Anomaly-Detection
Felix Grzelka, Master Thesis Defense
On the Energy Consumption of Deep Learning Workloads
- 04.05.2021 at 10:45
Felix Gohla, Seminar Project Introduction
EULYNX Live Lab - Distributed Testing Lab with RaSTA
Till Lehmann, Master Thesis Introduction
Efficient FPGA-Implementations of DNA Alignment Algorithms
Joachim Kruth, Master Thesis Intermediate
Properties of Energy Diffusion at Symplectic Integration of Chaotic Systems
- 18.05.2021
Björn Daase, Leon Matthes, Seminar Project Introduction
Observing a Moving Target - Reliable Transmission of Debug Logs from Embedded Mobile Devices
Valentin Schröter, Tobias Zagorni, Seminar Project Introduction
Networked SD Card - Remote Access to Block Storage for Embedded Devices
- 01.06.2021
Ramin Gharib, Master Thesis Update
An Adaptive Workload Partitioner for Scalable Document Stream Processing
- 22.06.2021
Hendrik Tjabben, Master Thesis Defense
Design of a DDS-based Vital Computer Evaluated by the Example of an ETCS On-board System
Presentation PDF
- 13.07.2021
Tobias Zagorni, Master Thesis Introduction
Improving Virtual Machine Migration using Disaggregated Memory
- 20.07.2021
Valentin Schröter, Tobias Zagorni, Seminar Project Final Presentation
Networked SD Card - Remote Access to Block Storage for Embedded Devices
Presentation PDF
- 12.10.2021
Daniel Richter, Research Presentation
Analytic Redundancy with ML Inference
contact Kordian Gontarska ( or Lukas Wenzel (