research seminar 2019/20

The research seminar Trends in Operating Systems is targeted at students who are planning to do their Master's project or Master's thesis with the Operating Systems and Middleware group. We also invite Master's students who are generally interested in our research projects and topics. Besides discussing contributions from students, the seminar is also used for exchange regarding the academic activities of the group members.

Students can enroll in the seminar and earn 3 ECTS credits. In order to do so, a prospective candidate has to study recent publications (~ 3 – 5). The candidate then has to deliver a presentation in our seminar and hand in a report. The report should consist of roughly 8 – 12 pages LNCS or 4 – 6 pages IEEE. Regular attendance is required in order to earn credits.


Tuesdays, 11:00 - 12:30, building C.1

  • Maximilian Diez pdf
    Overview of a Security Credential Management System (SCMS) for V2X Communications

  • Arne Boockmeyer Master's Thesis Work in Progress pdf
    Hatebefi - Ein hybrides Testbed zur Fehlerinjektion in verteilte Softwaresysteme

  • Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schilling
    Arbeit von Standardisierungsgremien am Beispiel POSIX Shell

  • Patrick Jattke Master's Thesis Introduction
    Analysis, Design and Implementation of Advanced Optimization Strategies for the Marble FHE Compiler

no seminar

no seminar

Future SOC Lab Day

  • Nico Boeckhoff
    Project Introduction UART Implementierung mit der USI Schnittstelle eines ATtiny Mikrocontrollers

  • Yannick Bäumer
    Master's Thesis Defense Hardware Accelerated Lossless Compression using High Level Synthesis

no seminar

Rail2X Treffen TU Berlin

no seminar

  • Benedikt Bock Master's Thesis Introduction pdf
    Opportunistic Routing within Public Transportation Infrastructure

  • Marcus Konrad
    Enterprise Search - Was ist das? Wie ist der aktuelle Stand der Forschung/aktuelle Herausforderungen?

no seminar

no seminar

  • Fabian Paul Master's Thesis Defense
    Adaptive QoS-aware Operator Placement for Distributed Processing of Sensor Streams

  • Anton Gulenko
    Autonomic Self-Healing in Cloud Computing Platforms

  • Patrick Jattke Master's Thesis Work in Progress
    Analysis, Design and Implementation of Advanced Optimization Strategies for the Marble FHE Compiler

  • Dirk Friedenberger PhD Topic Introduction

no seminar

no seminar

  • Felix Grzelka Seminar Presentation
    Energy-Aware Computing in Heterogeneous Data Centers

  • Ivan Illic, Till Lehmann, Youri Kaminsky Seminar Presentation
    Energy-Aware Computing in Heterogeneous Data Centers

18.02.2020 12:00
  • Nico Boeckhoff Project Presentation
    UART Implementierung mit der USI Schnittstelle eines ATtiny Mikrocontrollers

18.02.2020 14:00
  • Kennedy Torkura
    Continuous Security Paradigms in Cloud Native Infrastructure

To request changes, please contact Lukas Wenzel.

For seminar information and schedules from other semesters, please find the link to the research seminar of interest in the list of teaching activities.