research seminar 2017/18
The research seminar Trends in Operating Systems is targeted at students who are planning to do their Master's project or Master's thesis with the Operating Systems and Middleware group. We also invite Master's students who are generally interested in our research projects and topics. Besides discussing contributions from students, the seminar is also used for exchange regarding the academic activities of the group members.
Students can enroll in the seminar and earn 3 ECTS credits. In order to do so, a prospective candidate has to study recent publications (~ 3 – 5). The candidate then has to deliver a presentation in our seminar and hand in a report. The report should consist of roughly 8 – 12 pages LNCS or 4 – 6 pages IEEE. Regular attendance is required in order to earn credits.
Tuesdays, 11:00 - 12:30, building C.1
- 17.10.2017
Fredrik Teschke Master's Thesis Defense
Hardening Applications with Intel SGX
- 24.10.2017
Seminar Introduction and Topics
- 31.10.2017
- no seminar
- 07.11.2017
Organisational Meeting
- 14.11.2017
- 5th Operating the Cloud Symposium
- 21.11.2017
Alexander Meißner
Netzwerkprotokolle: Einsatzgebiete, Neuerungen
- 28.11.2017
Jossekin Beilharz
Blockchain für Ingenieure
- 05.12.2017
TU Berlin
Intelligente Pumpen
- 06.12.2017 13:30
Karsten Tausche Master's Thesis Defense
Memory Management on POWER Systems with NUMA Characteristics based on the PGASUS Programming Framework
- 12.12.2017
- no seminar
- 19.12.2017
Christoph Anders pdf
- 26.12.2017
- no seminar
- 02.01.2018
- no seminar
- 09.01.2018
Christian Werling pdf
- 16.01.2018
Sebastian Kliem
SAP Leonardo, IBM Watson, Azure ML, GCP
Lauritz Thamsen
Dynamic Resource Allocation for Distributed Dataflows
- 23.01.2018
- no seminar
- 30.01.2018
- no seminar
- 06.02.2018
- no seminar
- 20.03.2018
Christian Würz Master's Thesis Defense
Resource contention of competing processes in parallel systems
To request changes, please contact Lukas Pirl.
For seminar information and schedules from other semesters, please find the link to the research seminar of interest in the list of teaching activities.