research seminar 2015/16
The research seminar Trends in Operating Systems is targeted at students who are planning to do their Master's project or Master's thesis with the Operating Systems and Middleware group. We also invite Master's students who are generally interested in our research projects and topics. Besides discussing contributions from students, the seminar is also used for exchange regarding the academic activities of the group members.
Students can enroll in the seminar and earn 3 ECTS credits. In order to do so, a prospective candidate has to study recent publications (~ 3 – 5). The candidate then has to deliver a presentation in our seminar and hand in a report. The report should consist of roughly 8 – 12 pages LNCS or 4 – 6 pages IEEE. Regular attendance is required in order to earn credits.
Tuesdays, 11:00 - 12:30, building C.1
- 20.10.2015
Kick-off Meeting OSM Research Seminar
Patrick Lühne Masther Thesis Defense
- 27.10.2015
Topic Discussions OSM Research Seminar
- 03.11.2015
- HPI Cloud Symposium "Operating the Cloud"
- 10.11.2015
Wieland Hagen Master's Thesis Introduction
Design and Implementation of a C++ Library for NUMA-aware application development
- 17.11.2015
Max Plauth
Applications of ARM-Boards in Distributed Control Scenarios
- 01.12.2015
Christoph Sterz
An Introduction to Perf
- 08.12.2015
Fabian Eckert OSM Research Seminar
An overview on tools for ARM
Andreas Grapentin Master's Thesis Defense
Remote Diagnosis of Embedded Hard- and Software
- 15.12.2015
Lukas Schulze OSM Research Seminar
Lustre - a parallel distributed file system
Vincent Schwarzer Master's Thesis Introduction pdf
A Hands-on Evaluation of Unikernel Systems
Angelo Haller
Tales from IBM
- 05.01.2016
Max Plauth
Impressions from CANDAR 2015
- 12.01.2016
Andreas Grapentin
Introducing My Work to the Research School
- 19.01.2016
Daniel Richter Recap
Trading Something In for an Increased Availability
Daniel Richter Ideas
Implementation Methods for Flexible, Imprecise, and Resilient computation
- 26.01.2016
Lena Feinbube Research Progress Report pdf
Understanding Software Dependability Threats
- 02.02.2016 - 13:30
Andreas Grapentin Hands-On Session
Conquering grey-box platforms for bare-metal development
- 09.02.2016
Fabian Eckert OSM Research Seminar
An Overview on Tools for ARM (cont.)
- 16.02.2016
Progress Report on SSICLOPS
- 01.03.2016
Impressions from WSOS 2016
- 08.03.2016
Organisational Meeting
- 15.03.2016
- No Meeting
- 22.03.2016
- No Meeting
- 29.03.2016
Slideshow Karaoke & Cookies
To request changes, please contact Andreas Grapentin.
For seminar information and schedules from other semesters, please find the link to the research seminar of interest in the list of teaching activities.