Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Schacht
- | Research Assistant at Operating Systems & Middleware chair at Hasso-Plattner-Instit ute, Potsdam | since Mar 2010 |
- | System Engineer at the T-Systems International GmbH in Berlin, Germany | May 2009 - Feb 2010 |
- | Diploma in Computer Science (Dipl.-Inform.), Technische Universität Berlin | Sept 2008 |
- | Study of Computer Science, Technische Universität Berlin | 2003 - 2008 |
- | Software Developer at the Deutsche Post IT Services GmbH in Berlin, Germany | 2003 - Apr 2009 |

Alexander Schacht.
Konzepte und Strategien mobiler Plattformen zur Erfassung und Anlayse von Vitalparametern in heterogenen Telemonotoring-Systemen.
Dissertation, Universität Potsdam, December 2014.
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/2023/https://www.hpi.de/forschung/publikationen/dissertationen/dissertation-alexander-schacht.html.
author = "Schacht, Alexander",
title = "{Konzepte und Strategien mobiler Plattformen zur Erfassung und Anlayse von Vitalparametern in heterogenen Telemonotoring-Systemen}",
type = "Dissertation",
pages = "215",
school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam},
year = "2014",
month = "December",
tags = "alexander.schacht,doctoral-thesis",
url = "https://web.archive.org/web/2023/https://www.hpi.de/forschung/publikationen/dissertationen/dissertation-alexander-schacht.html"
} -
Alexander Schacht, Martin von Löwis, and Andreas Polze.
Live ECG streaming at the Berlin Marathon 2011.
In Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering / Telehealth / Assistive Technologies, volume 765. 2012.
author = "Schacht, Alexander and von Löwis, Martin and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Live ECG streaming at the Berlin Marathon 2011}",
tags = "alexander.schacht,martin.vonloewis,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Biomedical Engineering / Telehealth / Assistive Technologies",
volume = "765",
year = "2012",
pdf = "http://www.actapress.com/PaperInfo.aspx?paperId=453354"
} -
Alexander Schacht, Robert Wierschke, Martin Wolf, Martin von Löwis, and Andreas Polze.
Live Streaming of Medical Data – The Fontane Architecture for Remote Patient Monitoring and its Experimental Evaluation.
In 2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops, 306–312. IEEE, 2011.
author = "Schacht, Alexander and Wierschke, Robert and Wolf, Martin and von Löwis, Martin and Polze, Andreas",
title = "{Live Streaming of Medical Data – The Fontane Architecture for Remote Patient Monitoring and its Experimental Evaluation}",
tags = "alexander.schacht,robert.wierschke,martin.wolf,martin.vonloewis,andreas.polze",
booktitle = "2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops",
pages = "306--312",
year = "2011",
isbn = "978-0-7695-4377-2",
organization = "IEEE",
pdf = "https://sci-hub.se/10.1109/ISORCW.2011.36"
} -
Theodor Heinze, Robert Wierschke, Alexander Schacht, and Martin von Löwis.
A Hybrid Artificial Intelligence System for Assistance in Remote Monitoring of Heart Patients.
In International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 413–420. Springer, 2011.
author = {Heinze, Theodor and Wierschke, Robert and Schacht, Alexander and von L{\"o}wis, Martin},
title = "{A Hybrid Artificial Intelligence System for Assistance in Remote Monitoring of Heart Patients}",
tags = "theodor.heinze,robert.wierschke,alexander.schacht,martin.vonloewis",
booktitle = "International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems",
pages = "413--420",
year = "2011",
organization = "Springer",
pdf = "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Theo\_Heinze/publication/225157798\_A\_Hybrid\_Artificial\_Intelligence\_System\_for\_Assistance\_in\_Remote\_Monitoring\_of\_Heart\_Patients/links/0deec529dfb7027bcd000000/A-Hybrid-Artificial-Intelligence-System-for-Assistance-in-Remote-Monitoring-of-Heart-Patients.pdf"