Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze
Operating Systems and Middleware Group
Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering
at University Potsdam
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
14482 Potsdam, Germany
Office C-1.7
Tel: +49-331-5509-220 / 231
Fax: +49-331-5509-229
Prof. Dr. Andreas Polze is the Operating Systems and Middleware Professor at the Hasso Plattner Institute at University Potsdam, Germany. He is also the speaker of the HPI Research School and member of the steering committee of HPI’s Future SOC Lab. Andreas received a doctoral degree from Freie University Berlin, Germany, in 1994 and a habilitation degree from Humboldt University Berlin in 2001, both in Computer Science. At HPI, his research focuses on architectures of operating systems, on component- based middleware, as well as on predictable distributed and cloud computing. Andreas Polze was visiting scientist with the Dynamic Systems Unit at Software Engineering Institute, at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, where he worked on real-time computing on standard middleware (CORBA) and with the Real-Time Systems Laboratory at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Current research interests include Predictable Service Computing, Adaptive System Configuration, and End-to-End Service Availability for standard middleware platforms. Together with Charité, GETEMED, and Deutsche Telekom, he has run the Fontane telemedicine project. Joint research with SAP has investigated porting HANA to new processor architectures.

Biographical Sketch
Speaker of PhD school on "Service-Oriented Systems Engineering" at Hasso Plattner Institute | since Oct 2005 |
Professor at the Operating Systems and Middleware chair at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Engineering (HPI) at University Potsdam. | since Oct 2001 |
Habilitation on "Prectictable Computing in Multi-Computer Systems" at Humboldt-University of Berlin. | Oct/Nov 2001 |
Guest Professor at the Applied Computer Science chair at
University Osnabrück
(substitute for Prof. Schreiner) |
Oct 2000-Feb 2001 |
Research visit at Prof. Lui Sha's group at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA | Aug 1999 |
Research stay at the Software Engineering Insitute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. At the SEI, I was affiliated with the Dynamic Systems Unit. | Jan-Jul 1997 |
Assistant Professor (wissenschaflicher Assistent) at HU Berlin | 1994-2001 |
Ph.D. in Computer Science (Dr.rer.nat.), Freie University Berlin | Summer 1994 |
Fellow of DFG-graduate college "Communication-based Systems" | 1991-1994 |
Diploma in Computer Science (Dipl.-Inf.), HU Berlin | Summer 1991 |
Study of Computer Science, Humboldt University, Berlin | 1986-1991 |