rst examples

Normal text works like this.

For details regarding the topics touched below, see the theme's (m.css for Pelican) documentation.

For information about reStructuredText itself, check out this reStructuredText Primer or the reStructuredText Markup Specification


  • unordered lists
    • nested
  1. ordered might not start with 1

    • nested items (e.g., lists) must be properly indented
  2. and can be auto-numbered

    1. ordered nested lists
    2. work as well


(you'll only see it in the source of the page ;))


This image is fetched from the Internet and also a link to somewhere…:

Tux penguin

This image is served from our server and it has a caption:

OSM logo proposal
proposal for a new OSM logo (2018)


With the m-col-… classes used below, the grid is 4 columns wide on larger screens and 3 on smaller screens. Hence, the image count is ideally a multiple of both (12, 24, 36, …). Of course, you can also modify the grid widths.

< >
< >
< >
< >
< >
< >
< >
< >
< >
< >
< >
< >


For Vimeo videos use .. vimeo VIDEO_ID

Some of our Vimeo videos can only be embedded by the domains and localhost (not, so be aware when developing/testing locally).



There are two different types of tables supported by standard rst.

However, you probably want to use list tables (check the source of this file):

date topic speaker
01.01. Topic 1 Speaker 1
02.02. Topic 2 Speaker 2

… or even CSV tables:

date topic speaker
01.01. Topic 1 Speaker 1
02.02. Topic 2 Speaker 2

… which might feed from files:

date topic speaker
01.01. Topic 1 Speaker 1
02.02. Topic 2 Speaker 2

custom HTML header

Such as CSS/style sheets:

my title


  td {
  \ vertical-align: top;

Please note the backslash, since the lines of the :html_header: "value" (i. e., the style sheet in this case) must be on the same indentation level.