Getting Started

Getting Started #

Prerequisites #

  • Docker installed. You can find a guide here.
  • Docker-Compose installed. You can find the installation guide here. For Installing on ARM devices, use this guide.
  • Kubectl installed. Official installation documentation.
  • Kubernetes installed and cluster configured. Official installation guide under this link.

Seting Up the Project #

In this section, we go through the steps of setting up the project:

  1. Clone the project from the GitLab repository.
  2. Download the training data and genesis transaction from here.
  3. Put the data folder (contains training data) into the peer folder.
  4. Put the genesis.npy (example genesis transaction) file form the tangle folder into the data folder.

Building and Pushing Images #

To benefit from the newest changes made in the code, the images need to be built and pushed to the container registry. The images will be pushed to a private repository on DockerHub. Let’s go step by step through the process of building and publishing the images to the private registry:

  1. Login to DockerHub with the docker login command. The username of the private registry is hpimpss2020 and the password can be obtained from the creators of this project.
  2. Depending on the target architecture(s) for the network run the following command to build and push your images:
docker-compose build && docker-compose push
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.arm.yml build && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.arm.yml push
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.arm.yml -f docker-compose.arm64.yml build && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.arm.yml -f docker-compose.arm64.yml push

Running with Kubernetes #

Configuring peer deployment #

Different components of the project need to be deployed on the Kubernetes cluster. You can find all service, deployment, config, and role files in the k8s folder in the root of the project. You can configure and change each deployment file. This includes especially the peer-deployment.yaml file, in which you can set multiple environment variables to configure your peer accordingly. The environment variables are described in the table below:

ENV Name Description Values
STORAGE Type of data storage to fetch Tangle data (e.g., weights) ipfs
MESSAGE_BROKER Message passing used to transmit Tangle messages (e.g., new transaction announcements) ipfs
MODEL Machine learning (or mock) module used for training no_tf or femnist
TIMEOUT Timeout for connections to the IPFS daemon None or a positive integer
TRAINING_INTERVAL Training interval period positive integer
NUM_OF_TIPPS Number of preceding tips approved by a transaction positive integer
NUM_OF_SAMPLING_ROUND Number of transactions that are considered for determining the current consensus positive integer
ACTIVE_QUOTA Probability of one peer becoming active in each training period Floating point number between 0 and 1
CONNECTION_PRUNING_LOW Minimum number of open IPFS peer connections (see IPFS) positive integer
CONNECTION_PRUNING_HIGH Maximum number of open IPFS peer connections (see IPFS) positive integer
CONNECTION_PRUNING_GRACE_PERIOD Time in seconds after which open IPFS peer connections become relevant for pruning (see IPFS) positive integer
LOGGER Log output destination print or file
LOGGING_LEVEL Logging verbosity info or warn or error
IPFS_DATASTORE_STORAGEMAX Limit for the storage usage of each IPFS peer (see IPFS) e.g. 10GB
IPFS_DATASTORE_GCPERIOD How often IPFS garbage collection is run (see IPFS) e.g. 1h
IPFS_REPROVIDER_INTERVAL How often provided blocks are re-announced to the IPFS network (see IPFS) e.g. 1h

Setting up image pull secret #

A Kubernetes cluster uses the secret of docker-registry type to authenticate with a container registry to pull a private image.

If you already ran docker login, you can copy that credential into Kubernetes:

kubectl create secret generic regcred \
    --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/.docker/config.json> \
You can find more about pulling images from a private registry in the official Kubernetes documentation.

Deploy components on cluster #

To deploy different components like B_ootstrap_, _Peer_, _Grafana_, _Prometheus_, and _Visualization_ on the cluster you can execute the following command from the root of the project:

kubectl apply -f k8s/
If you want to deploy on a specific architecture (e.g., arm64) change the image names in k8s/*-deployment.yaml

To scale the number of peers you can use this command:

kubectl scale --replicas=<number-of-replicas> -f k8s/peer-deployment.yaml

Accessing the Services on Kubernetes #

After successfully deploying all the components, you can access each component using its designated service. Each service uses the LoadBalancerIP and the port it is exposing. In other words, by accessing http://<Service-LoadBlancerIP>:<Service-Port> in your browser you will be able to reach each service’s HTTP server. In the table below you can see each service and the port number exposed by default:

Service Name Port Number Reachable from Outside of the Cluster
Bootstrap 4001  ❌
Grafana 3000
Visualisation 9000
Peer 52342
Prometheus 9090

Note that there is no need to reach every service from the outside of the cluster. Services for Peer and Bootstrap are used internally for services discovery and pass data between pods.